North Central Commonwealth
This section of the Commonwealth has its borders roughly established from the rolling foothills in the north, the south to the Mystic River, and the east and west by elevated freeways. This region was more developed the farther south traveled, and at its centre lie the remains of the city of Malden.
Despite the lake and its tributary, the Saugus River, becoming dangerously contaminated, it remains one of the more hospitable regions surrounding Boston, with the settlements of the Slog and Greentop Nursery having become stops on the caravan routes. Settlers, however, are not this region's only inhabitants. Super mutants and raiders have made their homes in several landmarks, overrunning and threatening nearby settlements intermittently.
Once the Middlesex County public swimming pool, the Slog is the only tarberry bog in the Commonwealth. The name "the Slog" only came about semi recently after a heavy rainstorm and a trader had to "slog" through all the mud to get a shipment of tarberries, but it was supposedly worth it.
Even more unique, the settlement was founded and run entirely by ghouls initially, who formed it after Mayor McDonough exiled them from Diamond City in 2282. While more recently there has slowly been an increase in non-ghoul inhabitants, it still remains one of the settlements with the highest ghoul comparative to non-ghoul residents.
A homestead on the outskirts of Malden, it is well-known for the large greenhouse that rests at the bottom of a small hill, and a medium-sized pre-War house that sits at the top, which has been built up around to turn the settlement into a relatively well-travelled spot on the caravans route, especially thanks to the harvests its greenhouse helps produce.